Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Top Three Things to Do for Your Chicken Flock During Severe Thunderstorm Season

When severe thunderstorm season rolls in, it's not just us humans who need to hunker down and ride out the storm—our feathered friends need a little extra TLC, too. Here are the top three things you can do to ensure your backyard chicken flock stays safe and comfortable during those turbulent weather days. 

 1. Secure the Coop First things first, make sure your chicken coop is storm-ready. Here's how: 
  •  Check for Leaks: A watertight roof is a must. Inspect for any leaks or weak spots, and patch them up before the storm hits. 
  • Reinforce the Structure: High winds can cause damage to poorly built coops. Ensure the coop is sturdy, with no loose panels or weak hinges. Adding extra bracing or using heavy-duty screws can make a big difference. 
  • Elevate the Coop: If your area is prone to flooding, consider elevating your coop on cinder blocks or a raised platform. This helps keep your chickens’ living space dry and prevents water damage. 

2. Provide a Safe Shelter Your chickens need a safe and cozy spot to ride out the storm. Here’s what you can do: 
  •  Bedding: Lay down extra straw or wood shavings. It helps keep the coop dry and provides insulation against the cold and damp. 
  • Ventilation: While it's crucial to keep rain out, proper ventilation is still important to avoid humidity build-up inside the coop. Ensure there’s enough airflow without creating drafts. 
  • Secure Doors and Windows: Double-check that all doors and windows are securely closed and locked. This keeps the wind and rain out and prevents any potential escapees if the storm scares them. 
3. Stock Up on Supplies Being prepared with the right supplies can make a big difference during and after a storm: 
  •  Food and Water: Ensure you have enough feed and clean water stored in a safe, dry place. Heavy rains can contaminate water sources, so having an extra supply on hand is essential. 
  • First Aid Kit: Keep a chicken first aid kit ready for any minor injuries or health issues that might arise. Include items like antiseptic, bandages, and a poultry wound spray. 
  • Emergency Power: If you rely on electric heat sources in your coop, have a backup plan for power outages. Battery-operated heaters or even a stash of warm blankets can help in a pinch. 

Bonus Tips 

Routine Checks: After the storm passes, inspect the coop and run for any damage or potential hazards. Clear any debris that might have blown in, and make sure everything is secure. 
Calm and Comfort: Thunderstorms can be scary for chickens. Spend a little extra time with your flock to reassure them. Your presence can be calming and help reduce their stress. 

Looking for tips for hot weather? We've got you covered - check out our Flockology article.

Remember, a little preparation goes a long way in keeping your flock safe and sound during severe thunderstorm season. With these tips, you can ensure your chickens weather the storm comfortably and stay healthy and happy. Stay safe and happy chicken keeping!

Monday, January 29, 2024

9 Tips for Raising Urban Chicks

It's easy to get wrapped up in the excitement around the idea of raising your own chickens as pets or for eggs, but there's a little more to it than jumping on the internet and ordering your day-old hatchlings. We've put together a to-the-point bullet list of 9 tips to help you prepare properly for adding chickens to your urban or suburban backyard.

  1. Check Local Regulations:

    • Before you embark on your urban chicken-keeping adventure, familiarize yourself with local regulations. Some areas may have restrictions on the number of chickens allowed, coop placement, or even the keeping of roosters.

  2. Choose Suitable Breeds:

    • Opt for chicken breeds that adapt well to urban environments. Typically, smaller, docile and quieter breeds are preferable. Consider popular choices like Rhode Island Reds, Australorps, or Silkies. Bantam sizes are very popular for backyard coops.

  3. Space-Efficient Coop Design:

    • Design a compact and efficient chicken coop to maximize space utilization. Ensure it's well-ventilated, secure, and easy to clean. Utilize vertical space with nesting boxes and roosts to make the most of limited room.

  4. Noise Management:

    • Select breeds known for their quieter nature to maintain harmony with neighbors. Additionally, providing environmental enrichment and keeping the coop clean can minimize any potential disturbances.

  5. Secure Outdoor Area (if possible):

    • If space allows, create a secure outdoor run for your chickens. This provides them with fresh air, sunlight, and the opportunity to exhibit natural behaviors. Make sure it's predator-proof to keep your feathered friends safe.

  6. Proper Waste Management:

    • Implement effective waste management practices to avoid odors and maintain a clean environment. Regularly clean the coop, and consider composting chicken litter for an eco-friendly disposal solution.

  7. Health Monitoring:

    • Keep a close eye on your chickens' health. Regularly check for signs of illness, pests, or injuries. A proactive approach can prevent issues and ensure a happy, healthy flock.

  8. Community Engagement:

    • Engage with your urban community about your chicken-keeping plans. Share information about your coop design, breeds chosen, and the benefits of having urban chickens. This proactive communication can foster positive relationships with neighbors.

  9. Educate Yourself:

    • Stay informed about best practices in urban chicken keeping. Continuously educate yourself on topics like nutrition, coop management, and behavior. Join local or online poultry groups to exchange experiences and gather valuable insights.

By following these tips, you can embark on a successful urban chicken-keeping journey that not only benefits you but also contributes positively to your community. Happy clucking in the heart of the city!

Monday, January 15, 2024

Tips for Happy, Healthy Mail-Order Hatchlings

Hey Urban Chicken Enthusiasts!

Are you excited for chick season at Valley Hatchery? Here are some fun and handy tips to ensure you have an egg-cellent season!

Perfect Timing: Hatch season is from February to October. It's like catching the first sun rays of spring – the earlier, the better! Pre-orders begin in December. They fly out the coop quicker then a hen chasing a bug, so get in early!

Shipping Smarts: Make sure your shipping details are spot on. On the big day, why not give your local post office a friendly call? It's a great way to let them know your feathery bundle is on its way. We do our bit by putting your number on the label, but a little extra caution never hurts.

Ready, Set, Go on Arrival Day: Be on your toes when your chicks are arriving. No time for slow-pokes! Zip down to the post office as soon as they ring. Your chicks will be eager to settle into their new cozy spot – the brooder.

Brooder Prep 101: Set up a welcoming brooder before your chicks hatch. Cramped spaces are a no-go – think roomy and comfortable. Use a heat lamp for that snug warmth and secure it well. Location is key – a stable, warm spot is ideal, away from any quirky temperature changes.

Chick Health Tip: Here's a neat trick – apple cider vinegar with the mother is like a secret potion for stressed or sluggish chicks. Mix 4 tablespoons per quart of water for 3-5 days. It’s a simple yet effective way to keep their tummies happy.

Don't forget to check out our chick care guide. It's packed with useful info, not just a peck-and-go read. Whether you're a chicken whisperer or just starting out, it’s your go-to guide for a cracking good chick season!

Friday, January 5, 2024

Tips For Better Flock Management

 3 Tips for successful chicken flock management

Raising a chicken flock can become quite a challenge, even if your flock is a small urban chicken flock. What starts off as a small collection of feathered friends can quickly become a confusing ruckus the moment a problem arises and you discover there are things you don't know, like which chicken laid which egg. 

Record-keeping and tracking flock performance

Keeping records of your chicken flock's performance can be incredibly helpful for effective management. Track egg production, feed consumption, health issues, and any other relevant data. This information will allow you to identify trends, troubleshoot problems, and make informed decisions to optimize your flock's performance. Managing spreadsheets probably wasn't on your list of favorite things to do for your chickens, but for accurate record-keeping, even with a small urban flock, a spreadsheet can be your friend.

Biosecurity measures to prevent disease outbreaks

Implementing biosecurity measures is crucial for protecting your chicken flock, regardless of its size. Preventing disease outbreaks involves practices like restricting access to your property, quarantining new chickens, and regularly cleaning equipment. Remember, chickens are precious, but we don't want them spreading more than just their wings. Bio-security doesn't have to be difficult or problematic. When you think about it, common sense tells you that you need to be aware, in the back of your mind, that unnecessary interactions with strangers (human or animal) or the accumulation of barnyard grime and waste can spread diseases.

Social dynamics and flock integration

Introducing new chickens to an existing flock can be pure high school drama. Social dynamics and flock integration can be delicate matters, especially with a small flock of urban chickens - because when the drama is high, so is the commotion. It's important to take the time to properly introduce newcomers to your urban flock to avoid unnecessary squabbles. Patience, treats, and a watchful eye will help foster harmony among your feathered friends. Drama-free chicken TV is the best kind of TV after all!

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Benefits Of Urban Chicken-Keeping

The Rise of Urban Chicken Keeping

Urban chicken keeping has become an increasingly popular trend in recent years. No longer limited to sprawling rural areas, people in urban and suburban neighborhoods are now embracing the idea of raising a few chickens in their backyards. It might sound like a peculiar idea at first, but don't be surprised if you find yourself wanting to join the flock!

Surprising Benefits of Raising Chickens in Urban Areas

Why the sudden interest in urban chicken keeping? For starters, it allows city dwellers to experience a taste of farm life without having to pack up and move to the countryside. Raising chickens in an urban setting also brings along a surprising plethora of benefits.

Benefits of Urban Chicken Keeping Include:

1. Sustainable Food Production

One of the main advantages of urban chicken keeping is the ability to produce your own sustainable food right in your backyard. Urban gardening is right up there with backyard chickens as homeowners look for ways to relieve stress and become less dependent on the commercial food industry. Chickens are masters of recycling kitchen scraps and yard waste, turning them into nutrient-rich compost, which saves time, trouble, and expense when it comes to bolstering your garden soil. Plus, the eggs they lay are a delightful bonus!

2. Fresh Eggs and Nutritional Value

Who wouldn't want to start their day with a breakfast of fresh eggs produced by their very own feathery friends? The average American consumer has no real idea how old the eggs purchased in a grocery store actually are - that is until they finally taste eggs they gathered themselves from their own back yard. Urban chickens lay eggs that are always fresher and tastier than store-bought ones, packed with essential nutrients. And you know exactly how old the are!

3. Natural Pest Control

Forget about harsh chemicals and pesticides – urban chickens are nature's backyard pest control squad! Chickens are omnivores. These feathered wonders happily peck away at unwanted insects and pests in your garden, keeping your plants healthy and thriving. They've even been known to peck fleas off the family dog.

4. Educational Opportunities

Urban chicken keeping is an excellent opportunity for both adults and children to learn about animal care, responsibility, and where our food comes from. Raising your own urban chicken flock provides an educational and interactive experience, allowing families to bond over the satisfaction of raising chickens and gaining a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

How Do I Get Started With Urban Chickens?

If you find yourself wondering about raising your own chickens, you'll find a wealth of information available to help you decide whether urban chicken-keeping is right for you and your family. Valley Hatchery's main blog contains easily readable information to help you familiarize yourself with the benefits and the challenges of keeping urban chickens. Additionally, we curate, collect and share the best information we can find from all across the internet, combined with our own years of experience raising urban and not-so-urban chickens.

You can follow Valley Hatchery on Facebook for fun and facts. You can shop our complete Valley Hatchery catalog of day-old poultry to start your flock.

Top Three Things to Do for Your Chicken Flock During Severe Thunderstorm Season

When severe thunderstorm season rolls in, it's not just us humans who need to hunker down and ride out the storm—our feathered friends n...