Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Top Three Things to Do for Your Chicken Flock During Severe Thunderstorm Season

When severe thunderstorm season rolls in, it's not just us humans who need to hunker down and ride out the storm—our feathered friends need a little extra TLC, too. Here are the top three things you can do to ensure your backyard chicken flock stays safe and comfortable during those turbulent weather days. 

 1. Secure the Coop First things first, make sure your chicken coop is storm-ready. Here's how: 
  •  Check for Leaks: A watertight roof is a must. Inspect for any leaks or weak spots, and patch them up before the storm hits. 
  • Reinforce the Structure: High winds can cause damage to poorly built coops. Ensure the coop is sturdy, with no loose panels or weak hinges. Adding extra bracing or using heavy-duty screws can make a big difference. 
  • Elevate the Coop: If your area is prone to flooding, consider elevating your coop on cinder blocks or a raised platform. This helps keep your chickens’ living space dry and prevents water damage. 

2. Provide a Safe Shelter Your chickens need a safe and cozy spot to ride out the storm. Here’s what you can do: 
  •  Bedding: Lay down extra straw or wood shavings. It helps keep the coop dry and provides insulation against the cold and damp. 
  • Ventilation: While it's crucial to keep rain out, proper ventilation is still important to avoid humidity build-up inside the coop. Ensure there’s enough airflow without creating drafts. 
  • Secure Doors and Windows: Double-check that all doors and windows are securely closed and locked. This keeps the wind and rain out and prevents any potential escapees if the storm scares them. 
3. Stock Up on Supplies Being prepared with the right supplies can make a big difference during and after a storm: 
  •  Food and Water: Ensure you have enough feed and clean water stored in a safe, dry place. Heavy rains can contaminate water sources, so having an extra supply on hand is essential. 
  • First Aid Kit: Keep a chicken first aid kit ready for any minor injuries or health issues that might arise. Include items like antiseptic, bandages, and a poultry wound spray. 
  • Emergency Power: If you rely on electric heat sources in your coop, have a backup plan for power outages. Battery-operated heaters or even a stash of warm blankets can help in a pinch. 

Bonus Tips 

Routine Checks: After the storm passes, inspect the coop and run for any damage or potential hazards. Clear any debris that might have blown in, and make sure everything is secure. 
Calm and Comfort: Thunderstorms can be scary for chickens. Spend a little extra time with your flock to reassure them. Your presence can be calming and help reduce their stress. 

Looking for tips for hot weather? We've got you covered - check out our Flockology article.

Remember, a little preparation goes a long way in keeping your flock safe and sound during severe thunderstorm season. With these tips, you can ensure your chickens weather the storm comfortably and stay healthy and happy. Stay safe and happy chicken keeping!

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Top Three Things to Do for Your Chicken Flock During Severe Thunderstorm Season

When severe thunderstorm season rolls in, it's not just us humans who need to hunker down and ride out the storm—our feathered friends n...